Whenever any person or agency has the authority to excavate in any sidewalk, roadway or right-of-way of any improved or unimproved street, alley or public way, the person or agency causing such excavation shall be required to return, in accordance with current Village standards, the right-of-way to essentially the same condition it was prior to the excavation or restore the same in such a manner and by such time as required by the Village Contracted Engineer. All street, alley, sidewalk and driveway repairs shall conform to current Village standards and specification.
   Restoration of any sidewalk, tree lawn, curb, street pavement, etc. shall occur no later than thirty (30) days after the conclusion of any utility repair or installation activity except in high impact areas per Section 901.01 (k) which requires pavement restoration be completed within seven (7) days. Construction activity completed December through April shall have all grading and seedingissues resolved no later than May 31st. Additional permits shall not be issued to the permittee until the violations are corrected to the satisfaction of the Village Contracted Engineer. In addition, each violation may be dealt with in accordance with Section 901.99.
   Permanent repairs to any roadway cut for the purpose of installing, extending or repairing any utility wire, conduit, or any other repair shall be made in accordance with Village Standard Drawings. Standard Drawings have been developed to provide specifications on small pavement repairs, and other minor repair work within the right-of-way. Whenever a pavement cut area exceeds the nominal size of 8 feet in width and 100 feet in length, the plans shall indicate the method of pavement replacement in accordance with current City standard specifications and are subject to review and approval by the Village Engineer. Whenever a trench exceeds 100 feet in length, the repair shall include a minimum 11-foot wide by 1-1/4 inch deep pavement surface planning operation along the length of the trench in preparation for pavement replacement to be installed with a paving machine.
(Ord. 2008-11. Passed 12-15-08.)