(a)   Prohibition. No commercial vehicle, motor bus, school bus, motor bus home, recreation vehicle, house trailer, travel trailer or other trailer as defined in Ohio R.C. 4501.01, and no boat or boat trailer shall be parked or be left standing on any street or alley within the Village limits at any time. However, this section shall not apply to motor vehicles registered as commercial vehicles that have a gross vehicle weight that shall not exceed 10,000 pounds, limited to two axle construction and limit of four wheels. Motor homes, trailers and boats may be parked on the streets for the purpose of loading and unloading for a period not to exceed three hours. In addition, those vehicles used for conveying the necessary tools and materials to the premises where labor is being performed and the use of such tools and materials are required, shall be permitted, provided they are not parked or left standing for a period to exceed twelve hours. In addition, those commercial vehicles or trailers, being loaded or unloaded, used to deliver or hoist property or merchandise for the completion of delivery shall be permitted, if such loading or unloading, or other activity referred to in this section is conducted diligently and without unnecessary delay. This section shall not apply to commercial vehicles or buses conveying passengers to any public meeting, assembly, church, convention or entertainment during the actual session of a public meeting, assembly, church, convention or entertainment.
   (b)   Definitions.
      (1)   “Commercial vehicle” means any vehicle with the current state issued license plates attached with the designation “truck” or “commercial” or any vehicle including a trailer, used for the hauling of any machinery, device, materials or equipment in connection with a commercial enterprise, whether such vehicle is marked or identified by lettering, symbols or signs relating to such commercial purpose or enterprise or not having attached thereto a state issued license plate with the designation “truck” or “commercial vehicle”.
      (2)   “Parking”, “parked” or “park” means the stopping or standing of vehicles whether or not occupied, other than temporarily for the purpose of and while actively engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers.
      (3)   “House trailer”, “travel trailer” and “motor bus home” includes all vehicles including self-propelled vehicles of the type commonly referred to as recreational vehicles or campers, having self-contained facilities for sleeping and/or cooking whether or not the same are provided with toilet or other sanitary facilities, and whether or not the same are classified as house trailers by Ohio R.C. 4501.01.
         (Ord. 99-11. Passed 5-17-99.)
   (c)   Penalty. Whoever violates any provision of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense; on a second offense within one year after the first offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree; on each subsequent offense within one year after the first offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.