(a)   Where a building having a connection to the public sewer has been torn down and a new building is being constructed in its place, the abandoned house drain connection that served the previous building may be used, PROVIDING IT MEETS ALL THE CURRENT REQUIREMENT OF A NEW CONNECTION, with the exception that the pipe depth must be at least six (6) feet measured to the top of pipe at the property line. If the owner elects to use the old connection, a regular permit must be taken out for such connection of the new building. The line must be flushed and televised (and reviewed by the Wastewater Department-Utility), prior to use, at the contractor's cost. Services over fifty (50) years old cannot be reused except at the discretion of the Utility. If approved, the house Sewer Contractor must inform the property owner that they have ownership and are responsible for the re-used pipe.
   (b)   When reusing an abandoned sand rock drift, the new drill hole is to be constructed in front of the old drill hole, a bulkhead must be of similar construction as used for abandoning sand rock drifts. (Ord. 2020-04. Passed 7-6-20.)