The following signs may be erected without a permit:
   (a)   Address and name of occupant of premises for a residential structure, not to include designations as to employment or home occupation, and to be limited in size to two (2) square feet.
   (b)   Signs required or authorized for a public purpose by any law, statute or ordinance of the Village. Such signs would include traffic control devices and school crossing signs, provided that such signs contain no supplementary advertising.
   (c)   Signs which are in the nature of cornerstones, commemorative tables and historical plaques, provided that such signs are less than nine (9) square feet in size and not illuminated.
   (d)   Signs clearly in the nature of decorations customarily associated with any national, local or religious holiday. Such signs may be of any illumination or animation provided that safety and visibility hazards are not clearly created.
   (e)   Signs or posters concerning candidates for elective office, public issues and similar matters to be decided by public election, to be displayed beginning no more than 45 days prior to election and to be removed no later than three (3) days after such election, subject to penalty. Such signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area, shall not be illuminated, and shall not create a safety or visibility hazard, nor be attached to any public utility pole or tree or be located within a public right-of-way.
   (f)   Signs that indicate the sale, development, rental or lease of a particular structure or land area, to be limited to one sign allowed per street front. Such signs shall not be located in a public right-of-way.
   (g)   Temporary window signs which promote special business sales, promotion or occasions.
   (h)   Signs, which are less than two (2) square feet in size and mounted or attached flat or parallel onto a building face of an administrative, business or professional office building, which denote the name and address of an occupant in a building where more than one tenant is located and which has individual and separate entries.
   (i)   A sign which advertises the sale of personal property, such as a garage, yard, porch or moving sale sign provided such sign, is located on the sale premises for a time period not greater than three (3) consecutive days, and is not to be located in a public right-of-way.
   (j)   Temporary construction signs which display the identification of the construction project including identification of the contractors, architects and other construction principals provided that such construction sign is removed upon the completion of construction or the commencement of occupancy, whichever event occurs first.
   (k)   Signs promoting community events and programs which last for a time period of 14 days or less and which are sponsored by nonprofit, public, educational, religious and charitable organizations. All such signs shall be removed not later than 48 hours after the scheduled activity.