(a)   Minimum Lot Area. No minimum lot size is required; however, all principal and subordinate uses and structures, including parking and paved areas, shall be located not less than 100 feet from any district where residences are a permitted use, and not less than fifty (50) feet from any other zoning district.
   (b)   Minimum Lot Width. No minimum lot width is required; however, all lots shall abut a publicly dedicated and improved street and shall have adequate width to provide for yard spaces and distances in subsection (a) hereof.
   (c)   Side Yards. Minimum side yards shall be required so as to meet the requirements of subsection (a) hereof.
   (d)   Front Yard Depth. Twenty-five (25) feet, exclusive of any parking.
   (e)   Minimum Rear Yard Depth. Minimum rear yard depth shall be required so as to meet the requirement of subsection (a) hereof.
   (f)   Height. No structure shall exceed a height of fifty (50) feet.
   (g)   Landscaping. If side or rear yards are located adjacent to any district where residences are a permitted use, landscaping and screening shall be required on the perimeter of those yards, pursuant to the standards of Chapter 1173 of this Ordinance.
   (h)   Trash and Garbage Control. All trash and garbage shall be stored in container systems which are located and enclosed so as to effectively screen them from view.
   (i)   Development Plan. New LI uses constructed on land vacant at the time of the effective date of this Ordinance must submit a Development Plan. The Planning and Zoning Board shall review the Plan prior to the issuance of a zoning permit according to the criteria in Section 1131.02 (g) and may impose additional requirements as may be reasonable and appropriate.
(Ord. 2000-14. Passed 7-24-00.)