(a) Preface. The purpose of these guidelines is to preserve the architectural history of existing buildings or structures and to ensure the procedures and materials used are compatible with the existing building or structure and help to ensure its preservation into the future and are meant to give architects and owners design direction consistent with the Codified Ordinances of the City of Ashland. In principle, the Board adopts the United States of America, Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation.
(1) Preservation/rehabilitation/renovation. With respect to preservation/rehabilitation/renovation generally it is the interest of the Board that buildings within the Historic District be preserved, thus maintaining the character of the Historic District. Consistent with the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Standards of Rehabilitation, the intent of these guidelines is to preserve and restore the features which establish a building's architectural character while making alterations and renovations necessary for the efficient and contemporary use of the building. The rehabilitation process assumes that some alterations may be necessary to meet the needs of the building owner and goveming codes. Such alterations should be done so as not to destroy the materials and features which help to define a building's historic, cultural and/or architectural character. The historic materials, features and/or craftsmanship are important in defining the building character and should be retained, protected, and repaired when possible.
When the preservation of architectural features is not possible, alterations should be done in a manner respectful of the existing character, but done in a manner that is representative of architectural design and construction of contemporary times.
(2) Additions/new construction. With respect to additions/new construction to existing buildings and all new buildings or structures it is generally the interest of the Board that such additions/new construction shall be designed to enhance the character of the Historic District. Consistent with the preface of these Guidelines, new buildings and additions should be representative of architectural design and construction of contemporary times.
Additions to existing buildings in the Historic District should be designed so as not to detract from the original character of the building. Whenever possible, additions should be located away from the primary or street face of the building. The addition should be designed so as not to destroy existing architectural features where feasible, such that the addition should able to be removed and the building restored to its original condition.
New buildings in the Historic District should be designed to be compatible with other structures in the Historic District while still reflecting work of contemporary times.
To be compatible, a new building should incorporate some of the existing architectural design characteristics of the Historic District. Proximity of existing buildings to the new building will affect the latitude in design constraints. An infill design should be more consistent with adjoining buildings than a freestanding structure.
(3) Demolition. With respect to demolition it is the interest of the Board that buildings within the Historic District be preserved and renovated for economically productive uses. Consistent with this intent, the Board also realizes the Historic District is not a static environment, but an ever changing and developing entity.
Applications for demolition will be reviewed based on the overall impact the demolition will have to the Historic District and the community.
The Board encourages the saving of the Historic District and history of the City. "Demolition of any building or structure which would detract from the Historic District or result in a loss of historically significant qualities will be strongly discouraged. In reviewing an application, the Board will also look at the proposed new use of the site and how the new use will impact the Historic District. Demolition of existing buildings which are not a significant loss to the Historic District to allow for the construction of new buildings which enhance the Historic District is acceptable and may be encouraged by the Board.
Demolition shall include "demolition by neglect," which shall mean neglect in the maintenance, repair or security of a site, building or structure, resulting in any of the following conditions:
A. The deterioration of exterior walls or other vertical supports;
B. The deterioration of roofs or other horizontal members;
C. The deterioration of exterior chimneys;
D. The deterioration of exterior plaster or mortar;
E. The ineffective weatherproofing of exterior walls, roofs and foundations, including broken windows and doors; or
F. The serious deterioration of any documented exterior architectural feature or significant landscape feature which in the judgment of the Commission produces a detrimental effect upon the character of the district.
(b) New Construction Guidelines. The purpose of this section is to define the architectural principles and elements which the Historic Preservation Board will use to review the design of new construction within the Historic District.
(1) Additions. The proposed addition must fulfill the following requirements to be acceptable:
A. Additions should be designed to preserve significant historic materials and features and minimize the damage or loss of significant materials and craftsmanship such as, but not limited to, pressed brick, decorative marble, stone, terra-cotta, or architectural metal.
B. Alterations to primary elevations and features which distinguish the building should be avoided. These features include, but are not limited to, window patterns, shutters, porticos, entrances, doorways, roof shapes, cornices decorative moldings, or glazing.
C. Additions should preserve the historic character and be compatible in size, scale, form, color, material and character so not to visually overpower or distract from the original building.
D. Additions should protect the historical significance and be readily distinguishable from older work, but the new work should be harmonious with the old work as defined in subsection (b)(l)B. hereof. Plan the new addition so it provides some differentiation in architectural design characteristics.
2. Infill structures. The construction of proposed new infill buildings on vacant lots in the Historic District is encouraged. Such infill buildings should fulfill the following criteria:
A. The new building should be designed to be compatible with the surrounding buildings. It should look as part of the whole.
B. The new building should look new, using material and methodology appropriate to today's architecture. The design should not pretend to mimic historic styles, but should be sensitive to the character of its neighbors.
C. The use of pseudo-historic details and elements should be avoided because it detracts from the Historic District by compromising the truly historic character of the Historic District.
D. Good infill buildings are compatible with many of the design characteristics of the surrounding buildings and structures. Some of the following design characteristics of the infill building should be reflective of its neighbors:
1. Massing.
2. Scale.
3. Proportion.
4. Orientation.
5. Materials.
6. Form.
7. Pattern/rhythm.
8. Color.
(3) Freestanding structures. The freestanding building has the greatest latitude in design character to still be compatible with the character the Historic District. The new building should be reflective of the tradition of the Historic District. The proposed new freestanding building must fulfill the following requirements to be acceptable:
A. Quality of design, materials and craftsmanship reflect the pride we hold for the Historic District and its individual buildings. New buildings which are representatives of quality design and use materials in character with the Historic District make a positive contribution to the Historic District.
B. The use of infill design concepts such as rhythm, proportion, building form, and materials establishes a consistency between the existing Historic District and the new building.
C. The new building should interact with pedestrians and the public space in a manner consistent to the character of the Historic District.
(c) Demolition Guidelines. The Board shall review all applications to demolish or move buildings or structures for the effects of the proposed action on the City.
(1) If the Board finds the proposed action will have no detrimental effect on the continued historic architectural character of the area and is in keeping with the intent and purposes of this chapter, the application shall be approved.
(2) If the Board finds demolition or removal will have detrimental effects on the City, approval may not be given for a period of up to sixty days. During this period, the Board shall review the following:
A. Alternative uses for the building or structure;
B. Condition of the building;
C. Potential return on investment by rehabilitation and use of the building on the existing site;
D. Efforts by owners to secure profitable new owners or lessees for the building; and
E. Impact of demolition or removal on adjoining structures and the integrity of the area as a whole, including proposed new structures on the vacated site.
(3) At the end of the sixty-day period, or any extension mutually agreed upon by the City and the owner, the City of Ashland or any other public or private body shall either make a bona-fide purchase or lease offer for the building or structure, or the application for the demolition or moving shall be approved by the Board. (Ord. 51-05. Passed 6-7-05.)