Notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 1181 hereinbefore or hereinafter contained, mobile homes in any district, except M-2 Heavy Industrial Districts, used for residential purposes as of May 5, 1966, may, for residential purposes only, remain at the same premises on which they were located on such date, may for residential purposes only, be expanded on the premises by constructing additions and improvements thereto or may, for residential purposes only, be replaced on the premises with another mobile home of the same size or a larger size; provided, however, that should the use of any such mobile home for residential purposes permitted by this section be discontinued for a period of six months, then the premises on which such mobile home was being used for residential purposes shall no longer be used for any purposes by a mobile home, and any unoccupied mobile home remaining on the premises after the expiration date of the six month period shall be removed from the premises within thirty days after the expiration date of the six month period, and thereafter shall be located in conformance with City zoning regulations.
All nonconforming mobile home replacements and all additions and improvements to nonconforming mobile homes, made pursuant to the provisions of this section, shall meet all yard requirements of the zoning district in which such nonconforming mobile home is located.
(Ord. 49-67. Passed 8-15-67.)