The following special uses shall be permitted in an M-3 Industrial Park District, providing that buildings and accessory buildings and uses comply with all requirements of Chapter 1183 Additional Use Regulations, Chapter 1185 Exceptions and Modifications and Chapter 1181 Nonconforming and Existing Uses, and that all uses not involving buildings or accessory buildings have the approval of the Planning Commission.
(a) Cafeterias or restaurants specifically designed and intended for use by those employees and management of uses permitted in the M-3 Industrial Park District, but not necessarily exclusively for their use.
(b) Bowling alleys, auditoriums, meeting rooms or other buildings primarily intended for the mutual use of the permitted uses located within the M-3 District, for meetings, programs, displays, recreation and other such uses as the industrial users of the district may deem necessary.
(c) Outdoor recreational facilities designed and intended for use by employees and management of those industries within the district. These facilities and associated uses shall comply with all requirements of this chapter in respect to front yard, side yard and rear yard clearance. These facilities, if lighted, must be shielded away from any thoroughfares and residential districts.
(Ord. 57-69. Passed 6-24-69.)