(a)    General. No vacant land shall be occupied or used, and no buildings hereafter erected or altered shall be occupied or used until a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the administrative officer.
   (b)    Certificate for Vacant Land. A certificate of occupancy for the use of vacant land, except for farming land as herein provided, shall be applied for before any such land shall be occupied or used and a certificate of occupancy shall be issued within ten days after the application has been made, provided such use is in conformity with the provisions of these regulations.
   (c)    Certificate for Building. A certificate of occupancy for a new building or the alteration of an existing building shall be applied for coincident with the application for a building permit; when the erection or alteration of such structure or part has been completed in conformity with the provisions of this Zoning Code, the administrative officer shall issue such certificate of occupancy within three days after written request has been made.
   Pending the issuance of a regular certificate, a temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued for a period not exceeding six months during the completion of the alterations, or during partial occupancy of a building pending its completion. Such temporary certificate shall not be construed as in any way altering the respective rights, duties or obligations of the owners or of the City relating to the use or occupancy of the premises, or any other matter covered by this Zoning Code; and such temporary certificate shall not be issued except under such restrictions and provisions as will adequately insure the safety of the occupants.
   (d)    Application for Certificate; Fee. A certificate of occupancy shall state that the building or proposed use of a building or land complies with all the building and health laws and ordinances, and with the provisions of these regulations. A record of all certificates shall be kept on file in the office of the administrative officer, and copies shall be furnished on request to any person having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the building affected. No fee shall be charged for an original certificate applied for at the same time as the application for a building permit. However, in the event that any excavation, construction or alteration has been started prior to the application for a certificate of occupancy, a fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall be charged for such certificate. For copies of an original certificate, there shall be a charge of one dollar ($1.00) each.
   (e)    Excavation Permit. No permit for excavation for any building shall be issued before application has been made for a certificate of occupancy.
(Ord. 24-66. Passed 4-5-66.)