The preliminary plat shall contain the following:
   (a)    Identification and Description. 
      (1)    Proposed name of the subdivision;
      (2)    Location by section, town and range, and City or Township, or by other legal description;
      (3)    Names and addresses of owner, developer and registered surveyor who prepared the plat, and registered engineer who designed the improvements,
      (4)    Scale of plat, one inch to not more than 100 feet;
      (5)    Date; and
      (6)    North point.
   (b)    Delineation of Existing Conditions. 
      (1)   Boundary line of the proposed subdivision by solid heavy lines and the total approximate acreage encompassed thereby;
      (2)    Location, widths and names of all existing or prior platted streets or other public ways, railroad and utility rights of way, parks and other public open spaces, permanent buildings and structures, and section and corporation lines within, or adjacent to, the tract;
      (3)    Existing sewers, water mains, culverts or other underground facilities within, or adjacent to, the tract indicating pipe size, grades and exact location, as obtained from public records;
      (4)    Boundary lines of adjacent tracts of unsubdivided lands with the names of the owners thereof, and boundary lines of adjacent subdivided lands shall be shown, but the names of the owners shall not be required;
      (5)    The zoning classification of the proposed subdivision and of adjacent tracts;
      (6)    Contours of five foot intervals, as obtained from U.S.G.S. maps, or its equivalent, and other land features; and
      (7)    Flood plains.
   (c)    Delineation of Proposed Conditions.
      (1)    Layout of streets, their names, right -of-way and pavement widths, and also the widths of alleys, crosswalkways and easements;
      (2)    Layout, numbers and approximate dimensions of lots;
      (3)   Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use or set aside by deed covenant for use of all property owners in the subdivisions;
      (4)    Building setback lines with dimensions for all proposed buildings or sites and all yard dimensions, including distances between buildings for properties containing more than one main building or building site on a property being developed under single ownership; and
      (5)    A preliminary plat for a subdivision which is intended to be platted and developed in sections shall be for the entire total subdivision. This preliminary plat may, however, be revised from time to time, subject to the approval of the Planning Commission.
   (d)    Attendant Items. 
      (1)    Certification of approval of all applicable public agencies (see Section 1111.11);
      (2)    Description of proposed zoning changes, if any;
      (3)    Statement of proposed use of lots, giving number and type of dwelling, business or industrial units;
      (4)    Location and approximate dimensions of all existing buildings;
      (5)    For commercial and industrial development, the location, dimensions and approximate grade of proposed parking and loading areas, alleys, pedestrian walks, streets, and the points of vehicular ingress and egress to the development; and
      (6)    Description of proposed covenants and restrictions.
         (Ord. 39-81. Passed 10-7-81.)