The sketch shall contain the following:
(a) Identification and Description.
(1) Proposed name of subdivision;
(2) The sketch shall be a rough sketch which may be drawn freehand, in pencil;
(3) Names and addresses of owner, developer and registered surveyor and registered engineer that shall be used;
(4) Approximate scale of sketch (not more than one inch equals 500 feet);
(5) Date; and
(6) North point.
(b) Delineation of Existing Conditions.
(1) Boundary line of the entire proposed subdivision, when completed, by solid heavy lines and the total approximate acreage encompassed thereby;
(2) Location and names of existing or prior platted streets or other public ways, railroad and utility rights of way, parks, or other open spaces, permanent buildings and structures, and section and corporation lines within, or adjacent to, the subdivision;
(3) Existing sewers, water mains, culverts or other underground facilities within, or adjacent to, the subdivision;
(4) Boundary lines of adjacent properties and the names of owners of undeveloped properties; and
(5) Existing and proposed zoning of the subdivision.
(c) Delineating of Proposed Conditions. The approximate layout of proposed streets and lots for the entire subdivision.
(Ord. 39-81. Passed 10-7-81.)
A print of the appropriate tax map, City map or the equivalent, at a scale of not more than one inch equals 500 feet, with the boundaries of the entire property proposed to be eventually subdivided indicated thereon, and covering the area with a half-mile radius thereof. This key map shall be attached to all copies of the sketch, or the sketch may be superimposed upon the key map. (Ord. 39-81. Passed 10-7-81.)
The Planning Commission shall consider the sketch at their regular meeting and give tentative approval of the sketch subject to all necessary details being satisfactorily resolved.
If the Commission desires to visit the site or to further consider the sketch for any reason, ample time shall be permitted for them to do so and to consider the plan again at a subsequent meeting held approximately one month later. In considering the sketch, the Commission may suggest other layouts which it considers to be superior to those suggested on the sketch or in the best interest of the general public.
(Ord. 39-81. Passed 10-7-81.)