The owners or agents of any tract of land in the City or within three miles thereof, which is to be developed and maintained under single ownership or which is to be subdivided as a condominium, shall submit to the Planning Commission a development plan, improvement plan, sketches and plats, in accordance with Chapters 1115, 1116, 1117 and 1119. Approval of plats, etc., shall follow the standard procedures herein, provided that the following conditions are met.
   (a)    Suitability. The property adjacent to the area included in the plan shall not be adversely affected and the plan is consistent with the intent and purposes of the applicable Zoning Code to promote public health, safety, morals and general welfare. All developments shall comply with all applicable State and County Health Regulations.
   (b)    Improvements. The grade, width and degree of improvement of all access drives, sewers, waterlines and other utilities shall be in conformance with Chapter 1115 and approved by the Commission, City Engineer, the Fire Chief and, where applicable, the County Engineer.
   (c)    Uses. The building, or buildings, shall be used for only the uses permitted in the zoning district in which it is located.
   (d)    Lot Area. The average lot area per family, exclusive of the area occupied by private streets or drives, shall not be less than that required by the applicable zoning district.
   (e)    Setbacks. The setbacks of all buildings shall be provided in accordance with the applicable Zoning Code. The minimum distance between multiple buildings shall be determined by the Commission.
      (Ord. 39-81. Passed 10-7-81.)