(a)    Advisability. The subdivision proposed and its ultimate use shall be in the best interests of the public welfare and the neighborhood development of the area. The subdivider shall present evidence to this effect when requested by the Planning Commission.
   (b)    Encroachment. The tract to be subdivided should not be a part of, or encroach upon, an area, or areas, designated in the Major Thoroughfare Plan and the Plan for parks and other public grounds, as adopted for future public facilities.
   (c)    Suitability of Land. If the Commission finds that land proposed to be subdivided is unsuitable for subdivision development due to flooding or its location in a flood plain, bad drainage, steep slopes, rock formations and other such conditions as may increase the danger to health, life or property or aggravate erosion or flood hazards and, if from adequate investigations conducted by all the public agencies concerned it has been determined that in the best interest of the public the land should not be platted and developed for the purpose proposed, the Commission shall not approve the land for subdivision unless adequate methods are formulated by the subdivider for meeting the problems that shall be created by the subdivision and development of the land.
   Land subject to flooding or located in a flood plain and land deemed to be topographically unsuitable for residential development shall not be platted for residential use or for any other use which may increase the danger of health, life or property or aggravate erosion or flood hazards. Such land within the subdivision shall be set aside on the plat for such uses as will not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation or shall not result in conditions contrary to the public welfare. To ensure that lots shall be located only where they will provide flood-free house sites, the Commission may require the subdivider to provide elevation and flood profiles sufficient to demonstrate that the house sites shall be completely free from the danger of flooding.
   A condition of flooding shall be defined as the depth of water anticipated, up to and including a 100 year storm, as computed using approved runoff factors for a completely developed drainage area and by using the current criteria of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and/or the Federal Insurance and Hazard Mitigation Office, whichever is higher; also, flooding is where water will be impounded or "backed up" due to restrictions in drainage facilities, either natural or man-made.
   If a stream flows through, or adjacent to, the proposed subdivision, the plat plan shall provide for an easement or right-of-way along the stream for a floodway. For the smaller streams, the plan shall also provide for channel improvement to enable them to carry all reasonable floods within banks. The floor elevations of buildings shall be high enough to be well above the flood level defined above. The floodway easement shall be wide enough to provide for future enlargement of the stream channel as adjacent areas become more highly developed and runoff rates are increased. (See Section 1115.06.)
   (d)    Suitable Location. The Commission may refuse to approve what it considers to be scattered or premature subdivision of land which would involve danger or injury to the public health, safety, welfare or prosperity by reason of lack of adequate water supply, schools, proper drainage, good roads and transportation facilities, or other public services, or which would necessitate an excessive expenditure of public funds for the supply of such services, such as undue maintenance costs for adequate roads.
   (e)    Railroads. Where railroads are involved, provision for grade separations, buffer strips and other protective media shall be required to the extent and type as may be practicable.
   (f)    Subdivision and Street Names and Numbers. Subdivision and street names shall not duplicate or be confusing with existing names. For purposes of street naming, the following suffixes shall apply:
      (1)    Avenue, Street, Road or Way shall be used for relatively long streets having relatively straight alignment.
      (2)    Boulevard or Drive shall be used for relatively long meandering streets.
      (3)    Circle, Place, Court or Lane shall be used for cul-de-sacs or relatively short loop streets.
      (4)   Suffixes other than the above shall be approved by the Commission.
      (5)    The words north, south, east or west should be avoided as part of a street name.
   Extensions of existing streets shall bear the name of the existing street. All names are subject to the approval of the Commission.
   All streets situated outside of the City shall be assigned numbers by the County Engineer. (Ord. 39-81. Passed 10-7-81.)