The following words, terms and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
   (a)   “Credits” shall mean on-going reductions in the stormwater management service charge applicable to a given zoning lot or tract in recognition of on-site or off-site systems.
   (b)   “Developed land” shall mean a zoning lot or tract altered from its natural state to include impervious surface area equal to or greater than 200 square feet.
   (c)   “Drainage system” shall mean natural and structural channels, swales, ditches, swamps, rivers, streams, creeks, wetlands, branches, reservoirs, ponds, drainageways, inlets, catch basins, gutters, pipes, culverts, bridges, head walls, storm sewers, lakes and other physical works, properties and improvements that transfer, control, convey or otherwise influence the movement of stormwater runoff.
   (d)   “Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU)” shall mean three thousand fifty-two (3,052) square feet of impervious surface or fraction thereof, based upon analysis performed by the City and subsequently approved by Council.
   (e)   “Impervious surface area” shall mean developed areas of land that prevent or significantly impede the infiltration of stormwater into the soil. Typical impervious surface areas include, but are not limited to: roofs, sidewalks, walkways, patios, swimming pools, private driveways, parking lots, access extensions, alleys and other paved, engineered, compacted or gravel surfaces containing materials that prevent or significantly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater into the soil.
   (f)   “Natural state” shall describe existing land, water, soil and vegetation characteristics that have not been substantially modified or disturbed by development activities and the hydrologic function is in an unaltered or natural condition.
   (g)   “Service area” shall mean all land within the corporate limits of the City, including all land areas legally annexed thereto.
   (h)   “Service charge” shall mean a stormwater management service charge, applicable to a zoning lot or tract, that generally reflects the impact on or demand for stormwater management services provided by the City to properly control and manage stormwater runoff quantity and/or quality associated with the zoning lot or tract. The service charge will vary from one zoning lot or tract to another, based on the impervious surface area.
   (i)   “Stormwater” shall mean the runoff from precipitation that travels over natural state or developed land surfaces and enters a drainage system.
   (j)   “Stormwater Management Program” shall mean an identified set of measures and activities designed to protect, restore and/or manage stormwater quality by controlling and/or reducing pollutants, and to reduce and/or manage stormwater quantity by controlling velocity, volume and rate.
   (k)   “Stormwater Management Utility” shall mean an organizational structure that is responsible for funding, administering and operating the City’s Stormwater Management Program, and that is supported through a rate structure based on the impervious surface area found on zoning lots or tracts located within the service area.
   (l)   “Tract” shall mean a parcel of land not previously recorded as a zoning lot.
   (m)   “Undeveloped land” shall mean all land that is not altered from its natural state to an extent that results in 200 or more square feet of impervious surface area.
   (n)   “Zoning lot” shall mean a legally subdivided lot (not a tract) shown on a legally recorded plat or deed, or a combination of such legally subdivided and recorded adjacent lots. (Ord. 5-06. Passed 1-17-06.)