Each residential, business, private meeting structure, and industrial structure shall be assigned a structure number based on the number of the appropriate segment of roadway centerline. Agricultural structures and recreational vehicles for which the owners desire telephone service may be assigned a number upon request. No other structures shall have numbers assigned. The structure number shall be determined by the line perpendicular to the road centerline, which intersects the centerline of the house or driveway leading to the structure. In cases where a structure has a loop driveway or more than one driveway, the structure number shall be assigned to the driveway that best services the main access to the structure. The number of the centerline segment at the point of perpendicular intersection shall be the number of the structure. Numbers shall not be assigned to structures requiring permits until footings have met building code regulations as determined by the Building Inspections Office.
(Amended 3-19-12; Amended 4-5-21)