   Signs constructed, placed or maintained, except as otherwise prohibited, exempted or not permitted by this subchapter, require a sign permit. Signs permitted by this subchapter shall be constructed in accordance with the North Carolina State Building Codes, as amended.
(Ord. passed 1-22-08; Am. Ord. passed 4-17-23)
   The following signs are exempt from this subchapter:
   (A)   Government signs including, but not limited to, traffic warning or regulatory signs including building identification, directional, information and welcome signs.
   (B)   Trade names and graphics which are located on newspaper, soft drink, gasoline pumps and similar vending devices.
   (C)   Flags or insignia of any governmental or non-profit organization when not displayed as an advertising device.
   (D)   Warning signs posted by utility or construction companies.
   (E)   Commemorative tablets, markers or monuments constructed by or with the permission of the Ashe County Board of Commissioners.
   (F)   Signs on operational motor vehicles indicating the name of a business, when the vehicle is not intended to be used solely for a display of signs.
   (G)   Signs required by law, statute or ordinance.
   (H)   Directional signs to commercial business or direction for sale of real estate or personal property, such as temporary realtors’ signs, agricultural signs and yard sale signs.
      (1)   Directional signs shall not exceed 16 square feet in area per sign face and shall not exceed eight feet in height or length per sign face and shall have a maximum height of 12 feet.
      (2)   Not more than three off-premises directional signs shall contain directions to the same activity or business location on the same road.
      (3)   Garage sale and/or yard sale signs may be posted for a maximum of seven days.
      (4)   Temporary signs, decorations or displays which are associated with any national, local or religious holiday or celebration for a maximum time period of 30 calendar days before and ten calendar days after.
      (5)   Temporary signs providing directions or other information in conjunction with a community festival or event which is allowed.
      (6)   Temporary signs advertising seasonal produce.
(Ord. passed 1-22-08; Am. Ord. passed 4-17-23)
   The following signs are prohibited:
   (A)   Signs obstructing the view of motorists entering or exiting roads or highways, or interfering with the driver’s view of approaching, merging or intersecting traffic.
   (B)   Signs creating unsafe distractions to motorists by incorporating flashing or blinking lights or signs with moving parts or parts which simulate movement, not including signs having only time and temperature messages. Signs with beams or rays of light which are directed on any residential dwelling or at any portion of a roadway and are of such intensity as to impair a driver’s vision thereby interfering with the operation of a motor vehicle. No illuminated sign shall interfere with or obscure an official traffic sign, device or signal.
   (C)   Any non-governmental sign resembling a public safety warning or traffic sign.
   (D)   Signs, whether temporary, permanent or directional, within any road or highway right-of-way, with the exception of governmental signs.
   (E)   Signs constructed or maintained upon trees and utility poles or painted or drawn upon natural rock formations or other natural features.
   (F)   Off-premises signs (including directional signs, but not temporary signs) designed to be visible from a road, or a portion thereof, designated as a Scenic Corridor by the Ashe County Board of Commissioners. (U.S. Highway 221 from Deep Gap to NC 163).
   (G)   Signs containing words or graphics that are obscene, as defined in G.S. Chapter 15.
   (H)   No signs are permitted visible from either the North or South Forks of the New River.
(Ord. passed 1-22-08; Amended 8-15-11; Am. Ord. passed 4-17-23)