(A)   It is unlawful for any person to possess any animal(s) within the public areas of the city that are actively utilized for the Randolph Arts Guild's Annual Fall Festival, and it is also unlawful for any person with an animal within the public areas of the city that are actively utilized for the Randolph Arts Guild's Annual Fall Festival to fail to obey the command of a law enforcement officer or an animal control officer to remove such an animal from the area in which animals are prohibited by this section. Furthermore, except as provided by this section, it shall be unlawful for any person to actively encourage or facilitate the entry or continued presence of any animal(s) within the public areas of the city that are actively utilized for the Randolph Arts Guild's Annual Fall Festival.
   (B)   Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, the prohibition of animals by this section is not applicable to the following animals:
      (1)   Any assistance animal that is trained and/or may be used to assist a person with a disability, specifically including without limitation a HANDICAPPED PERSON as defined in G.S. § 168-1. The term ASSISTANCE ANIMAL is not limited to a dog and includes any animal trained to assist a person with a disability.
      (2)   Any law enforcement/public safety agency animal that is trained and may be used to assist a law enforcement/public safety officer in the performance of the officer's official duties.
   (C)   The public areas of the city that are actively utilized for the Randolph Arts Guild's Annual Fall Festival are the streets, sidewalks, and public vehicular areas that fall within the perimeter demarcated by the closure, upon order of the City Council, of Fayetteville Street from Salisbury Street to Kivett Street; North Street at Salisbury Street; Sunset Avenue at Church Street; Worth Street, Scarboro Street, East Academy Street, and Cranford Street at Cox Street; and West Academy Street at the entrance to the city parking lot.
   (D)   The prohibition of animals from public areas of the city that are actively utilized for the Randolph Arts Guild's Annual Fall Festival is only in effect during those times when the Fall Festival is scheduled to be in actual operation.
   (E)   The City Manager shall cause notices of the prohibition of animals from public areas of the city that are actively utilized for the Randolph Arts Guild's Annual Fall Festival to be prominently posted at the location of the street closures listed in division (C) above.
   (F)   A violation of this section is punishable as a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 02 ORD 1-15, passed 1-8-15; Am. Ord. 36 ORD 12-21, passed 12-9-21)