The city will endeavor to make its programs, services, and facilities accessible to all citizens, specifically including citizens with disabilities. The city will actively seek to eliminate physical, policy and procedural barriers that prevent citizens with disabilities from availing themselves of city programs.
   (A)   All divisions/departments.
      (1)   Each division/department head shall assure that any program or service rendered by his or her division/department is fully accessible to citizens with disabilities.
      (2)   Each division/department head shall assure that programs and services rendered to citizens with disabilities are integrated with and equally effective as those rendered to citizens without disabilities. Separate services shall be provided only when essential to assure equal effectiveness.
      (3)   When entering into third party contractual agreements for rendering services to citizens, each division/department head shall ensure that such contracts shall include a binding clause of nondiscrimination against individuals with disabilities.
      (4)   When issuing information concerning division/departmental programs and services, each division/department head shall assure that:
         (a)   Notification is rendered in a manner designed to reach persons with disabilities, specifically including without limitation those who are visually or auditorially impaired;
         (b)   Such notices shall include the hours of operation and the location of accessible facilities to assure that persons with disabilities may avail themselves of the programs;
         (c)   Such notices shall incorporate a statement of nondiscrimination which reads: “City of Asheboro renders impartial treatment to all employees and citizens without regard to race, sex, national origin, color, creed, or disability.”
      (5)   In situations where facilities do not permit ready access of citizens with disabilities to programs and services, the division/department head will make such programs and services available at alternate accessible sites or through other means.
      (6)    Division/department heads are required to provide upon request auxiliary aids essential to enable individuals with disabilities to avail themselves of city programs and services (e.g. reader services for the visually impaired, interpreter services for the hearing impaired).
   (B)   Buildings.
      (1)   The city will design and, where feasible, implement alterations in existing buildings which permit easy access for individuals with disabilities.
      (2)   The city will assure that all new construction to house city programs and services meets established standards of accessibility.
      (3)   The city will install appropriate signs and markers to designate ramps, entrances, and other facilities that are accessible to individuals with disabilities, and the city will reserve parking for individuals with disabilities.
   (C)   Grievance procedures. The city establishes a grievance process for citizens who feel they have been denied access to city programs, services, and facilities. Citizens seeking redress of alleged discrimination should present their concerns to the division/department head, or designated representative, of the division/department in which the concern arose. If the matter cannot be resolved at the div ision/department head level, citizens may appeal to the City Manager, who may appoint a hearing officer to review the complaint. Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, this grievance procedure does not apply to city employees or applicants for employment with the city.
(‘69 Code, § 2-71) (Ord., passed 10-4-84; Am. Ord. 25 ORD 11-15, passed 11-5-15)