Within five business days after receipt of each application for the issuance or renewal of a permit, the Chief of Police or his or her designee shall cause an investigation to be made of the applicant's towing operation and storage yard. Such investigation shall be made for the purpose of verifying the information in the application and to determine whether the applicant is in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. In order to promote continuing compliance with the provisions of this chapter, the Chief of Police or his or her designee may conduct unannounced investigations/ inspections of permit holders' towing operations and storage yards throughout the course of the calendar year. Any wrecker service operator that interferes with the above-described investigations, including by way of illustration and without limitation withholding the records specified by this chapter or denying access to the towing operation and storage yard facilities, shall be suspended from the police rotation list until the wrecker service complies with the requirements of this section.
(Ord. 09 ORD 02-08, passed 2-7-08)