Subject to § 35.01(C) and § 35.02 of this chapter, no wrecker service shall engage in the business of towing vehicles at the request of city police personnel without first obtaining a permit from the chief of police to be placed on the rotation list. A Rotation Wrecker Service List Permit, which shall be referred to throughout this chapter as a "permit," shall be valid for one calendar year, commencing at 12:01 a.m. on January the 1st of each year and expiring at midnight on December the 31st of each year. If a wrecker service on the rotation list is in compliance with all applicable laws, is not under investigation for violation(s) of this chapter, and wishes to remain on the rotation list for another calendar year, the permit holder may apply for renewal of a valid permit between November the 1st and November the 30th of each year. Any such renewal applications will be processed ahead of other applications, and a wrecker service seeking renewal of a valid existing permit in a timely manner shall remain on the rotation list for another calendar year so long as the applicant is in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations. Any application submitted after November the 30th or not otherwise eligible for consideration as a renewal application shall be processed as a new application that is subject to the same lottery method of selection for inclusion on the rotation list as any other new applicant.
(Ord. 09 ORD 02-08, passed 2-7-08)