The following words, as used in these Rules and Regulations, have the following meanings:
A METER. The complete installation of equipment needed to measure the maximum demand and/or energy supplied to customer.
A MONTH. The period between any two consecutive regularly scheduled meter readings and billings for electric service. Such billings are scheduled at approximately 30 day intervals.
AGREEMENT OR APPLICATION. A written contract or service request for a supply of electric service of which these terms and conditions are an integral part.
CUSTOMER. The person, firm, corporation, association, governmental agency, or other political subdivision of the state, either as tenant or owner, which has been, is being, or is to be supplied with electric service by the town.
(1) RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER means those persons receiving and paying for service exclusively for residential purposes.
(2) NON-RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER means those persons, firms, corporations, associations, governmental agencies or other political subdivisions of the state receiving and paying for service other than for residential purposes.
DELIVERY POINT. The point of the physical connection between utility's and customer's facilities beyond which point customer receives and assumes responsibility and liability for the service rendered.
DISCONNECTION. The termination or discontinuance of electric service.
INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE. The temporary discontinuance of service due to emergency, construction or maintenance requirements of the town.
PREMISES. A dwelling, buildings, structure, or parcel of real estate which is supplied through a separate service line and meter installation.
SERVICE. Supplying electricity to premises or customer.
TARIFF. The entire body of rate schedules, riders and General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service.
TOWN. The Town of Argos.
UTILITY. The Town of Argos Department of Electric Utility.
WORKING HOURS. Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. excluding federal, state and town observed holidays.
(Ord. 2018-1, passed 3-21-2018)