A RETENTION POND shall be defined as a permanent pool with sufficient capacity to store excess run-off and shall incorporate the following design criteria:
   (A)   Shall be designed so that a significant flush occurs in a five-year storm;
   (B)   Approaching slopes are a maximum 5:1 or flatter;
   (C)   The pond shall have a shelf area along the sides, a minimum of three feet in width and a depth of no more than one foot before the pond pool area;
   (D)   The pond area shall be a minimum of three feet in depth;
   (E)   A two-stage weir shall be incorporated, first stage to allow flushing of the pond and second stage to limit the outflow for detention. Pond size shall be designed so that a significant flush occurs in a five-year storm;
   (F)   The pond shall incorporate an emergency overflow able to pass the inflow that would occur in a 100-year storm;
   (G)   The pond shall be designed so that as much flow as possible shall enter the pond through grass swales or sheet flow across grass areas;
   (H)   Developer shall submit a maintenance plan for sediment removal and water quality control; and
   (I)   A structure capable of de-watering the pond within 48 hours shall be incorporated into the pond design.
(2001 Code, § 34-6-44)