(A)   All subdivisions and all areas contained herein shall be so planed to take advantage of the natural topography of the land so as to economize the construction of streets and drainage systems; to reduce the overall amount of grading and disruption of the topsoil and natural vegetation, and to prevent disruption of surrounding drainage and natural environmental conditions.
   (B)   The village reserves the authority to deny or require modification of any subdivision or part thereof which because of its natural characteristics or position cannot afford a reasonable\y pleasant, safe and healthy location for residents or commercial activities.
   (C)   Some conditions which would make land unsuited for lotting or development are as follows:
      (1)   Lands lying within, or at less than one vertical foot above the maximum probable flood level, or where the levels are not available at least two feet above the greatest flood of record. Filling of stream basins shall only be allowed when it will have no impedance on natural flood flows and only by special permit of the Village Board.
      (2)   Land areas with very severe limitations which include limitations of high permanent water tables, swamps, highly organic soils, and soils subject to overflows, soils subject to extreme erosion, and soils which in other ways present hazards to construction.
      (3)   In subdivisions planned for development with individual septic systems areas with soils having a high seasonal water table, slow or excessive permeability, and soils subject to excessive frost action.
      (4)   Lands lying on a general overall slope of 25% or more shall be excluded from development. Lands lying on more than 12% slope shall not be used for lots which must depend on septic systems for waste disposal.
      (5)   Land proposed to be developed on dependent or individual water systems which cannot show after reasonable investigations that ground water adequate to meet the population needs of the subdivision supplies are not approved.
(2001 Code, § 34-6-2)