110.01 Applications
110.02 Persons subject to license
110.03 Form of license
110.04 Investigations
110.05 Fees
110.06 Termination of licenses
110.07 Building and premises
110.08 Change of location
110.09 Location
110.10 Nuisances prohibited
110.11 Working conditions
110.12 Inspections
110.13 Suspension, revocation of license or permit
110.14 Appeal
110.15 License to be posted
110.16 Business vehicle sticker
110.30 Definitions
110.31 Certificate of registration
110.32 Application for certificate of registration
110.33 Issuance and revocation of certificate
110.34 Policy on soliciting
110.35 Hours
110.36 Compliance by solicitors
110.37 Uninvited soliciting prohibited
110.38 Solicitations on public highways
110.39 Fees
110.50 License required
110.51 Definition
110.52 Applications
110.53 Investigation of applicants
110.54 Fraud
110.55 Photographs
110.56 Unwanted peddling
110.57 Peddlers as nuisance
110.58 Duty of police to abate
110.59 Exceptions
110.60 Fees
Appendix A: Business License Application
Appendix B: Official Business License
Appendix C: Applicant/Field Check; Information Card