AGREEMENT made and entered into this _________ day of ______________________, by and between the Utility System of the Village of Argenta, Illinois, hereinafter called the "Utility Department" and _____________________________________, hereinafter called the "Depositor".
   FIRST:   That the Utility Department contracts and agrees to have installed by contract in accordance with its rules, utility mains as shown on the plat thereof, and the specifications are attached hereto and made a part hereof.
   SECOND:   Bids having been taken and the lowest responsible bid having been in the amount of $ _____, the Depositor agrees to deposit and does deposit herewith the cost thereof.
               (A)   The lowest responsible bid      $ ____________.
               (B)   Engineering and Inspection Charge   $ ____________.
               (C)   TOTAL:             $_____________.
   THIRD:   Final costs to be adjusted up or down according to completed job cost.
   FOURTH:   The ownership of the utility mains laid herein shall be at all times in the Utility Department, its successors and assigns.
   FIFTH:   This Agreement shall be valid and binding on the Utility Department only when signed by the Mayor and Clerk.
   SIXTH:   This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns of the respective parties.
EXECUTED in duplicate by the parties hereto on the date first above written.
                        UTILITY DEPARTMENT
                        VILLAGE OF ARGENTA
                        BY: ________________________________________
                           PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR
______________________________            _________________________________________