(A) It shall be the duty of every owner, landlord, tenant, lessee or occupant of every dwelling, tenement house, lodging house, hotel, boarding house or other person, persons, firm or corporations whether residential or commercial and on whose premises kitchen and household garbage or other refuse collects, excepting those tenants who occupy multi-family dwellings and whose garbage service is provided by their landlord at no charge to them, to subscribe to garbage service with the current licensed garbage hauler for the village and to provide, and at all times to keep within the building or on the premises, garbage containers sufficient to hold all kitchen and household garbage and other refuse which may accumulate on the premises between collections, the containers to be of metal or rigid sturdy plastic, water tight and with a tight-fitting cover, and shall have a capacity of not less than five gallons nor more than 55 gallons for single-family residences and shall be equipped with suitable handles, which containers shall be placed at all times so as to be readily accessible for removal and emptying, and where they shall not be a public nuisance.
(B) Commercial or multi-family dwellings where the owner or landlord provides garbage service at no charge to the tenants may utilize suitable commercial containers approved by and provided by the licensed hauler, but shall otherwise conform with residential containers regarding placement and removal.
(C) No person, firm or corporation, unless authorized and licensed for that purpose, as hereinafter specified, shall interfere with the containers or the contents thereof including any curb side recycling bins or the contents thereof. All the garbage and other refuse, shall be removed as provided by regulations to be set by the Board of Trustees.
(D) Nothing herein is to be construed as requiring other governmental entities with facilities and property within the village to maintain regular garbage service with the village garbage hauler, providing that the governmental entities first apply to and establish to the Village Board's satisfaction that the governmental entity has an acceptable alternative means established for the disposition of refuse or otherwise demonstrates that the provisions of this section create an undue burden on the taxpayers of the village.
(2001 Code, § 16-1-2)