For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALARM. An audible, mechanical or electrical signal from an alarm system which indicates the system has detected a disturbance it was designed or programmed to warn about.
   ALARM ANSWERING POINT. A facility operated and maintained at a place, other than with the police facility of the village, wherein alarm systems terminate and alarms are initially answered.
   ALARM SYSTEM. A device or assembly of equipment which is designed or functions to provide an alarm upon detection of a disturbance it was designed or programmed to warn about.
   ALARM USER. Any person or entity owning, possessing or in control of premises wherein an alarm system is maintained.
   AUTOMATIC DIALING DEVICE. A device programmed to transmit by telephone line an alarm to a telephone number selected in advance.
   FALSE ALARM. The transmission of an alarm indicating need of an emergency response in instances where an emergency does not, in fact, exist.
(2001 Code, § 30-2-21)