(A)   Awning and canopy signs must be centered above architectural elements such as windows or doors, or if comprising the length of the building face, signage shall be centered on the awning or canopy.
      (1)   If the awning or canopy sign is mounted on a multi-tenant building, all awning or canopy signs shall be consistent in terms of height, projection, and style across all tenants in the building.
   (B)   Changeable copy signs are permitted only when integrated into a monument, marquee, wall, or portable sign. Changeable copy lettering shall be of the same color, size, and font.
   (C)   Electronic message centers. Message center signs are permitted in the form of monument, and wall signs in accordance with the following:
      (1)   No message center sign may contain text which flashes, pulsates, moves, or scrolls. Each complete message must fit on one screen.
      (2)   All changes in copy are accomplished in three seconds or less and must transition by changing instantly (e.g., no fade-out, fade-in, scrolling).
      (3)   Each message or copy remains fixed for at least 20 seconds
      (4)   The sign shall contain a default design which shall freeze the sign message in one position if a malfunction should occur.
      (5)   The maximum brightness levels for electronic message centers, other than a shall not exceed 0.02 (two tenths) foot-candles over ambient light levels measured within 150 feet of the source, consistent with the terms of this section.
      (6)   Only one electronic message center sign shall be permitted on the premise. A freestanding electronic message center shall not exceed 50% of the total allowable square footage for any on premises monument sign.
      (7)   Each sign must have a light sensing device that will automatically adjust the brightness of the display as the natural ambient light conditions change.
   (D)   Monument signs.
      (1)   Freestanding sign structure shall have its base located a minimum of ten feet off the street right-of-way line.
      (2)   Subdivisions, multi-family (ten units or more) and business parks shall be permitted one identification monument sign per street frontage which may include the following:
         (a)   Name of the development.
         (b)   Logo or special symbol.
         (c)   Address number.
      (3)   Monument signs shall have no more than 60 square feet on one side.
      (4)   There shall be no more than one monument sign per street frontage.
      (5)   Monument tenant directory signs are permitted in the B-2, M-1 and M-2 Zoning District. Letter height for the building or development name or logo shall not exceed ten inches; all others shall not exceed six inches.
   (E)   Marquee signs.
      (1)   Marquee signs may be attached to the top or sides of the marquee. No part of the marquee sign shall extend below the lowest vertical part of the marquee.
      (2)   Marquee signs attached to the top of the marquee shall not extend above the roof line shall not project more than four feet off the building face.
   (F)   Murals. Murals painted on a wall surface shall not be considered signage and shall be approved by the municipality.
   (G)   Nonconforming sign. An existing nonconforming sign shall not be enlarged or replaced with the exception of the sign face. However, any nonconforming sign that is abandoned shall be removed and replaced with a sign which conforms to this code.
   (H)   Portable signs. Portable signs are permitted in CBD and B-2 Districts only and may be placed within public right-of-way or on private property subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   If a sign is located on a public or private sidewalk, a minimum of 42 inches of unobstructed sidewalk clearance for pedestrians must be maintained provided such sign does not obstruct traffic or visibility.
      (2)   Only one sign is permitted per business and may not exceed seven square feet and 42 inches in height.
      (3)   Portable signs shall be weighted or otherwise secured to prevent movement.
      (4)   Portable signs are only permitted during business operating hours.
      (5)   No permit is required for portable signs.
   (I)   Projecting signs. All projecting signs shall be at least ten feet above the pavement or sidewalks and shall not project more than four feet from the face of a building
   (J)   Temporary signs.
      (1)   Construction and event signs shall not exceed 24 square feet and may be erected for a period not to exceed 90 days. Construction related signs may remain for the duration of the construction period and shall be removed 30 days after completion of construction.
      (2)   Announcement or professional signs for home occupations and professional activities where permitted shall not exceed four square feet in any residential "R" Districts.
      (3)   All other temporary signs shall not exceed 12 square feet.
      (4)   Temporary signs shall be removed based on the following schedule:
Removal Date
Real estate signs
14 days after closing
Open house
72 hours after event
30 days after completion
Garage sale and other personal signs
72 hours after event
   (K)   Vintage signs. Signs may replicate or restore an iconic sign or sign type from the past or shall seek to become a piece of art or an architectural feature. The Zoning Inspector or a citizen board or committee may waive certain requirements to replicate historically significant features.
   (L)   Wall signs. Wall signs shall meet the following criteria:
      (1)   Shall not project more than 12 inches measured from the face of the wall off the building.
      (2)   Shall be at least ten feet above the pavement or sidewalk.
      (3)   Signs shall not intrude on or block doors, windows, exhaust fans, or the like.
      (4)   On multi-story buildings signage for ground floor occupants shall be located below second floor windowsills.
      (5)   Multi-tenant buildings that have businesses without street frontage shall be permitted one tenant directory sign which shall not exceed nine square feet. If there is front and rear access to businesses, the same may be provided on the rear façade.
   (M)   Window signs may be painted, attached, or hanging within six inches to the inside of a windows and glass doors facing the street. This type of signage may contain text, graphic logos, and other images.
      (1)   Maximum area: Twenty-five percent of the total transparent glass area of windows and doors facing the street and limited to ground floor windows only.
         (a)   Window signage not exceeding 5% of the total glass area, such as business name or hours of operation shall be is permitted and will not be counted toward the total permissible signage square footage.
         (b)   Temporary window signs shall not exceed four square feet.
(Ord. 2022-25, passed 3-21-2022)