(A)   Residential landscape requirements. Residential lots 4,000 square feet or larger shall contain a minimum of 10% gross landscape area.
   (B)   Screening abutting residential. For non-residential uses abutting a residential use screening, shall be provided, and maintained in good condition as a precondition to any and every non- residential use of such abutting property.
      (1)   Landscape material used for screening shall be installed so that within three years it shall mature to a minimum of five feet.
      (2)   Opaque fencing or walls may be used in lieu of landscape screening at a minimum height of five feet using decorative or compatible materials.
   (C)   Non-residential landscape requirements.
      (1)   Ten-foot minimum landscape strip shall be provided adjacent to all rights-of-way.
         (a)   Shade trees shall be planted within the landscape strip along major streets and highways and shall be spaced no less than 40 feet apart.
         (b)   Tree species and planting specifications shall be in accordance with § 151.205 of the Subdivision Regulations, Street Trees.
         (c)   In lieu of the ten-foot landscape strip other landscape and hardscape requirements may be substituted in the CBD as part of an approved site plan.
      (2)   There shall be a minimum five- foot side and rear landscape area from the property line, which shall be curbed if adjacent to paved areas or used as stormwater retention or detention with approval of the Engineer.
      (3)   A minimum five-foot landscape area, planted with decorative trees, shrubs, flowers, or other plant materials shall be planted adjacent to all buildings.
   (D)   Landscaping shall be installed along the perimeter of stormwater retention and detention areas and shall use native plants that perform well in moist environments to create natural a littoral edge.
      (1)   Parking lots. A minimum of 6% of all parking lots shall be landscaped.
      (2)   Trees.
         (a)   For parking lots containing 18 or more parking spaces a tree island, the length of adjacent parking spaces, shall be provided at no less than ten parking stall intervals.
         (b)   Parking lot trees shall be shade tree species to diminish heat island effects.
      (3)   Screening and landscaping. Off-street parking areas for more than five vehicles shall be effectively screened on each side which adjoins premises situated in any "R" District, or institutional premises, by a fence or hedge as determined by the Zoning Inspector (due consideration shall be given to adjacent property owners).
   (E)   All trees shall be a minimum of eight feet tall and two and a half inch caliper at time of planting.
   (F)   A zoning permit shall not be issued without an approved landscape plan, where required.
(Ord. 2022-25, passed 3-21-2022)