(A) Purpose. The Planned Development (PD) District is intended to encourage innovative land planning and site design concepts that support quality of life, economic development, and ingenuity as an alternative to conventional zoning. The PD District provisions are intended to:
(1) Encourage superior and imaginative design and function in developments.
(2) Provide greater flexibility that integrates development of residential and/or non- residential land uses allowing for more efficient use of lands.
(3) Allow alternative development patterns that respects wetlands, floodplains, forests and other uniquely sensitive or challenged lands.
(4) Promotes quality design that respects surrounding established land uses and character and respects and takes advantage of a site's natural and manufactured features including historic sites, agriculture, and waterways.
(5) Encourage the provision of usable common open space and natural amenities
(6) Enable greater review of design characteristics to ensure that the development project is properly integrated into with adjacent development.
(B) Permitted uses. In addition to zoning districts established elsewhere in this code, a Planned Development District shall be established and designated on the zoning map, upon approval by Council. There are no specifically prescribed uses which are permitted within the boundaries of a Planned Development. The developer shall be responsible for preparation of a list of permitted uses within the specific PD District to be considered as part of the zoning application. Planned Development District permitted uses shall be compatible with surrounding zoning district and uses.
(C) Prohibited uses. Uses expressly prohibited as part of any PD District are as follows:
(1) Adult business establishments;
(2) Manufactured home;
(3) Manufactured home park.
(D) General requirements. The PD District designation may be applied within any existing zoning district with the limitations described herein:
(1) The proposed PD shall be designed to provide for the unified development of the area in accordance with the spirit and purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and the land uses and zoning districts adjacent to said proposal.
(2) Minimum design and construction standards for streets and alleys shall meet the requirements adopted in the subdivision regulations or other policies on record.
(3) PD District containing commercial or industrial land uses must provide a statement of compliance with § 152.072, Performance Requirements for Commercial and Industrial Uses.
(4) The basis for review and approval of a PD application shall be the PD Narrative and Development Master Plan Map (Development Plan), which shall be adopted as a part of the ordinance for rezoning in conformance with the requirements described in the regulations.
(E) Development standards. The following standards represent broad parameters under which all PD developments must comply:
(1) Development layout and design. The design and layout of all planned developments shall display excellence in design by carefully considering significant and sensitive site features, such as topography, natural drainage patterns, roadway access and circulation, surrounding land uses, and general public welfare to result in desirable land development. Council may require landscaped buffers to screen site features.
(2) Front, side, and rear setback standards for perimeter lots. All lots located along the perimeter of the PD shall have minimum front, side, and rear setbacks equal to those that would normally be specified in the zoning district prevailing at the time of application for PD approval.
(3) Off-street parking and loading facilities. For all land uses located within the PD, the parking and loading standards in § 152.050 shall apply.
(4) Multi-modal connectivity. There shall be internal and external pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, which may include sidewalks, multi-use paths, striped bicycle lanes and the like.
(F) Residential and Mixed Use (PD) development standards. In addition to the general development standards described in division (D) above, PDs with a residential component shall meet the following development standards:
(1) Clustering residential development. Clustering residential density is encouraged to provide required common open space and protect the natural landscape.
(a) To achieve a clustering of residential development and to provide the required common open space, the lot area, width, and setback requirements for residential lots need to accommodate a variety of structural patterns, clustering designs, and housing types.
(b) Perimeter lots fronting rights-of-way or adjacent development, shall be similar in size and scale to provide for visual compatibility of development(s) and transition area(s) into the PD District.
(2) Residential dwelling types. Along with clustering residential development density, a PD may include a mixture of dwelling types, including single-family detached, two-family, zero lot-line, and multi-family dwelling units, provided the maximum heights defined do not exceed the adjacent zoning district and provide a stepped transition in height when adjacent to existing development.
(3) Connecting to adjacent development. Where there are existing roads and sidewalks adjacent to a PD District the development shall connect to the existing roadway and sidewalk network.
(4) Required open space. A minimum of 20% of the land developed for residential purposes in a residential or mixed-use PD shall be developed to provide for usable common open space and recreation. This required amount of common space shall be under one ownership, and provisions shall be established for maintenance and care. The legal articles relating to any organization of property owners in the development charged with such open space maintenance shall be submitted to the municipality. Council may require as a condition of final approval, any evidence deemed necessary to document that the required common space will remain in its stated condition as long as the development exists.
(G) Planned development district approval process. The PD Narrative and Development Plan shall serve as the basis for review and approval of all site plans, subdivision plats and permits within the PD District.
(1) Pre-submittal meeting. Prior to submitting a PD application, the applicant shall meet with the Zoning Inspector and Engineer to review the existing zoning classification, proposed development pattern, compatibility of the development with adjacent uses and procedures for establishment of a PD District.
(2) Master plan and rezoning application procedures. The application accompanied by the Narrative and Development Plan shall be processed as a zone change in accordance with § 152.142. The applicant may process the site plan or subdivision plat, if applicable, concurrently.
(3) Submittal requirements. In addition to the items required for any concurrent applications, the following shall be included as part of the narrative and development plan:
(a) The name of the project, location map, developer, engineer, and existing zoning.
(b) A list of permitted conditionally permitted, and accessory uses allowed in each area of the development.
(c) A copy of proposed deed restrictions.
(d) A survey and legal description of the proposed development site, showing dimensions and bearings of the property lines; area in acres, topography, and existing features of the development site, including major wooded areas, streets, easements, utility lines, and existing land uses.
(e) The location, general dimensions, setback requirements and building types for the proposed development.
(f) Conceptual drawings of sewer and water facilities, as well as street and drainage systems.
(g) A table indicating acreage devoted to various development types.
(h) Conceptual landscaping plan for all buffers and other common areas.
(i) Architectural guidelines to apply throughout the development.
(j) A traffic, bicycle and pedestrian circulation plan shall show the location and design of all entrances and exits to the site, circulation drives, and parking areas, showing the number of proposed parking spaces.
(k) Additional reasonable requirements concerning protection of adjacent properties, ingress-egress control, setback requirements lighting, signs, traffic counts, and drives may be set by the Planning Commission or Council.
(l) A description of the expected timing of the development.
(m) A traffic impact study, economic impact analysis, environmental review or other relevant studies may also be required at the discretion of the municipal Engineer
(H) Review and approval of Planned Development District. Application for approval of a planned development, together with the submittal requirements, shall be in accordance with § 152.142, Procedures for Zone Change and § 152.121, Major Site Plan Review. Final consideration of rejection or approval of a PD District by Council shall include the Planning Commission's recommendation and shall require a majority of the full membership of Council.
(Ord. 2022-25, passed 3-21-2022)