(A)   General. The village will pave only those unimproved and improved alleyways adjacent to commercially-owned property. Maintenance and resurfacing will be scheduled as needed.
   (B)   Petitions for paving (residential/industrial). The village will consider petitions for any unimproved or improved alleyways when 100% of the adjacent property owners are in agreement to be specially assessed for the improvements. Once an alleyway is improved in such a way the village will continue all routine and future maintenance activities. All existing improved, but not paved, and unimproved alleys upgraded to a paved surface shall be constructed with the following standards.
      (1)   A minimum width shall be ten feet, and if the existing alley is less than ten feet, the stone base shall be extended as necessary with six inches of compacted ODOT 411 (Stabilized Crushed Aggregate).
      (2)   The existing stone base shall be graded and compacted to a smooth surface.
      (3)   The asphalt surface shall consist of two inches of compacted ODOT 404 (Asphalt Concrete). All construction joints shall be sealed with liquid asphalt.
      (4)   The edges of pavement surface shall be blended into the surrounding surfaces with compacted ODOT 411 (Stabilized Crushed Aggregate) to a minimum width of one foot.
   (C)   Petitions for paying (commercial). The village will agree to pave alleyways where at least 50% of the lineal footage of the alleyway’s entire length is commercially owned property and petitions are presented with at least 75% of property owners, also based on lineal footage. The alleys will be scheduled for paving at the next available time when funds can be duly appropriated and the work scheduled.
(Ord. 95-48, passed 7-17-1995)