(A)   Where the village determines that the design and construction of utilities, pavements, and/or other improvements are integral to the orderly development of adjacent properties or the development of an efficient, adequately designed utility or pavement network for service to the area in which the subdivision is located, the village shall require the developer to oversize the improvement in design and construction, and/or require the construction of extensions from improvements to be constructed in the subdivision, so as to provide service to property beyond the subdivision boundary.
   (B)   If required by the village, sanitary sewer, and/or water mains shall be oversized to serve future developments. The cost difference between the oversized pipe size and the minimum pipe size required shall be paid by the village. Such costs shall be determined by the Village Engineer.
   (C)   If required by the village, storm sewer mains shall be oversized to serve future developments. The subdivider shall pay for their portion of the oversized storm sewer based on the percentage of the area of the subdivision being served by the storm sewer main compared to the planned total area that the oversized storm sewer will serve in the future. Such costs shall be determined by the Village Engineer.
   (D)   If streets or utilities are not available at the boundary of a proposed subdivision, the subdivider may be required, prior to approval of the final plat, to obtain the necessary easements or rights-of-way and to construct and pay for such extensions.
(Ord. 2024-16, passed 2-19-2024)