(A) Boundary monuments. The surveyor shall set boundary monuments so that, upon completion of the survey, each corner of the subdivision is physically marked. The boundary monuments shall be 39 inches long, with ¾-inch reinforcing iron rods set in the center of a six-by-six by 48 inches concrete encasement.
(B) Iron pins. The surveyor shall set iron pins at all lot corners, at the P.C. and the P.T. of all lot line curves, and at other points as necessary to establish all lines of the plat. These iron pins shall be 30 inches long, with ¾-inch reinforcing iron rods. Reinforcing rods shall be identified with a durable marker bearing the surveyor's Ohio registration number and name or company name.
(C) Street monumentation.
(1) For local and collector streets, the surveyor shall set monuments at street intersections, quarter corners, point of beginning and end of curves, and other locations as determined by the village according to the Archbold Survey Monument Rod Standard Construction Detail.
(2) For arterial streets, the surveyor shall set iron pins in monument box assemblies at street intersections, quarter corners, point of beginning and end of curves, and other locations as determined by the village according to the Archbold Survey Monument Assembly Standard Construction Detail.
(Ord. 2024-16, passed 2-19-2024)