§ 151.513 SIDEWALKS.
   (A)   Residential subdivisions. Sidewalks shall be required on one side of local streets and on both sides of arterial and collector streets in all residential subdivisions. In certain instances of increased pedestrian traffic (e.g.: schools, parks, etc.), or where sidewalks already exist on both sides of the street, the Village Engineer may require deviation from the above stated.
   (B)   Nonresidential subdivisions. Public sidewalks shall be required for industrial and commercial lots, subject to the approval of the Planning Commission. Special consideration shall be given to areas where potentially heavy pedestrian traffic may develop, such as schools, hospitals, churches, parks, and similar types of uses.
   (C)   Construction standards. All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the standards contained in the Archbold Engineering Standards Manual. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed in conformance with the Archbold Engineering Standards Manual, described as follows:
      (1)   Concrete sidewalks along arterial streets shall have a minimum width of five feet.
      (2)   Wider sidewalks may be required along all streets to match wider existing sidewalk widths and near sites that generate large numbers of pedestrians.
      (3)   Sidewalks shall be located within the right-of-way, typically one foot from the right-of-way line, or within a dedicated sidewalk easement.
      (4)   Sidewalks shall have a transverse slope of one-fourth inch per foot except at driveways where the transverse slope may match the driveway slope.
      (5)   Where the street edge of the sidewalk is less than seven and a half feet from the back of curb of the street, the first five feet of sidewalk in each direction from the driveway shall be six inches thick.
      (6)   The longitudinal slope of sidewalks shall not exceed three-fourth inch per foot.
      (7)   ADA ramps with curb drops shall be provided at all intersections.
      (8)   Sidewalks shall be installed by the village after 75% of the lots in a plat have been developed. The village shall collect fees as lots are sold pursuant to an agreement created between the village and the developer prior to final plat approval.
(Ord. 2024-16, passed 2-19-2024)