(A) Before any land is subdivided, the owner of the property or their authorized agent shall apply for and secure approval of the proposed subdivision in accordance with the following procedures:
(1) Minor subdivision (lot split). Minor subdivision applications shall be processed by the Planning Director and Village Engineer. Minor subdivision approval requires the submission of a Village of Archbold Minor Subdivision Application, a survey plat including a legal description of the parcel to be split, and the legal description of the residual parcel if it is to be transferred.
(2) Major subdivision (platted). Major subdivision applications require Planning Commission and Village Council approval. The approval process for a major development includes four principal steps: submit a sketch plan for review by the Village Engineer; submit a preliminary plat for Commission approval; submit preliminary construction plans to the Village Engineer and complete planned improvements; finally, submit a final plat for review by the Commission and Village Council.
(B) In addition to the general procedures described above, the Fulton County Auditor and the Fulton County Engineer have adopted Conveyance Standards effective August 24, 2016 (or subsequent amendment thereto). This policy was adopted pursuant to R.C. § 319.203 and sets forth requirements for all parcel splits and land transfers. All surveys and legal descriptions shall meet all the requirements of the Archbold Engineering Standards Manual and the Fulton County Conveyance Standards.
(Ord. 2024-16, passed 2-19-2024)