(A)   Small wind energy generation equipment may be installed in all zoning districts as an accessory use and shall comply with the following requirements:
      (1)   Small wind energy systems shall be principally used to produce power for the benefit of the applicant.
      (2)   All towers and facilities shall not exceed the maximum height of the zoning district.
      (3)   The maximum power output for each small wind energy system shall be 100 kilowatts. Residentially zoned properties are limited to one small wind energy system per acre.
      (4)   Setbacks for small wind energy systems shall be 110% of the system height from the property lines.
      (5)   All small wind energy systems shall be maintained in safe condition.
   (B)   Large scale wind energy equipment shall be constructed a distance of at least 125% of the total height of the equipment from the property line, occupied building, and public or private road or right-of-way.
      (1)   All moving rotor blades shall be a minimum of 30 feet from ground level.
      (2)   All permanent wind energy equipment shall be self-supporting. No guy wires will be allowed on permanent structures.
      (3)   All towers shall be made non-climbable in a manner approved by the Archbold Engineer.
      (4)   All electrical wires leading to or from a wind energy equipment shall be buried underground. All connections to transmission lines and/or substations shall be buried underground.
      (5)   Wind energy facilities shall not be artificially lighted, except to the extent required by the FAA or other applicable authority.
      (6)   Wind energy equipment shall comply with § 152.071, Performance Requirements.
   (C)   Any tower or structure associated with wind energy equipment that remains unused for any reason for more than 30 days shall be dismantled and removed from the property no later than 90 days from the time use of the equipment has ceased.
(Ord. 2022-25, passed 3-21-2022)