(A)   Contracting procedures generally will follow state law, except as otherwise provided by Village Council by ordinance, motion or rule.
   (B)   The Council may dispense with or modify any contractual procedures or limitations established by federal, state or procedures previously established by Council in a particular situation.
   (C)   The Village Administrator, for example, in a particular contractual situation, may by action of Council, be authorized to enter into a contract without securing competitive bids.
   (D)   The Village Administrator is not required to comply with HB-231, effective November 25, 1995, or any amendments thereto, with respect to the selection of an architect, engineer or project manager.
   (E)   The Village Administrator may, but is not required to, establish guidelines for such selections by rule.
(Ord. 97-36, passed 4-21-1997)
   Contracting procedures, see Charter § 11.05