(A)   The Town Board of Trustees, by a vote of a majority of its members, shall contract for and purchase or issue purchase authorizations for all supplies, materials, equipment, and contractual services for the operation of the municipal government. Before the purchase of or contract for any supplies, materials, or equipment or the sale of any surplus or obsolete supplies, materials, or equipment ample opportunity for competitive bidding, under such regulations and with such exceptions as said Town Board may prescribe, shall be given.
   (B)   Contractual services, for the purpose of this section, shall include any type of personal or professional service, employment, or undertaking including such services as utilities, pest control, maintenance, and repairs except services performed by municipal officials or persons employed by the municipality.
   (C)   The Mayor or other town official designated by the Town Board of Trustees as a purchasing officer may contract for and purchase or issue purchase authorization for supplies, materials, equipment, or contractual services which do not exceed $25,000 in a single transaction without competitive bidding.
   (D)   Subject to the provisions of this section, surplus or obsolete supplies, materials, or equipment belonging to the town may be sold pursuant to a vote carrying a majority of the Town Board of Trustees. No sale shall be made under this section until the Town Board of Trustees has declared the supplies, materials, or equipment involved to be surplus or obsolete. Except as may otherwise be provided, the Town Board of Trustees shall advertise any sale under this section in a newspaper of general circulation in the town or county or in such other manner as deemed necessary to adequately reach prospective buyers to give them an opportunity to make bids. All bids shall be sealed and opened in public at a designated time and place except when the sale is by auction. The Town Board of Trustees shall sell such supplies, materials, and equipment to the highest responsible bidder and, if necessary, shall cast lots in case of a tie to determine to whom to sell. The Town Board of Trustees may sell surplus or obsolete supplies, materials, or equipment the total value of which does not exceed $25,000 in a single transaction without giving an opportunity for competitive bidding.
   (E)   No member of the Town Board of Trustees may sell or furnish for a consideration, any materials or supplies for use by the town, and any member of the Town Board voting for or consenting to such contract or purchase is personally liable for any obligation in violation of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 1-50)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see 11 O.S. §§ 17-102 and 17-211; 21 O.S. § 344; 62 O.S. §§ 310.1, 355, and 357; and 74 O.S. § 85.2