(A) General description. This district is intended to provide a location for the land situated on the fringe of the urban area that is used for agricultural purposes but which will be undergoing urbanization in the near future. Many tracts in this district will be in close proximity to residential and commercial uses. Therefore, the agricultural activities conducted in this district should not be detrimental to urban land uses. It is not intended that this district provide a location for a lower standard of residential, commercial, or industrial development than is authorized in other districts. The types of uses, required area, and the intensity of use of land permitted in this district are designed to encourage and protect agricultural uses so long as the land therein is devoted primarily to agriculture.
(Prior Code, § 18-25)
(B) Uses permitted. Property and buildings in A-1, General Agricultural District, shall be used only for the following purposes:
(1) Detached, one-family dwellings;
(2) Churches;
(3) Public schools or schools offering general educational courses the same as ordinarily given in the public schools and having no rooms regularly used for housing or sleeping;
(4) Agriculture crops;
(5) The raising of farm animals in accordance with the ordinance of the town but not the operation of commercial feed pens for livestock. On all tracts of land containing less than ten acres, the raising of hogs shall be prohibited, and on all other tracts, the number of hogs weighing more than 25 pounds shall not exceed 20 grain-fed or three garbage-fed hogs. Hogs shall not be located closer than 200 feet to the property line of the tract on which they are located;
(6) Oil wells or gas wells including the drilling thereof; and
(7) All of the following uses:
(a) County clubs and golf courses;
(b) Home occupations;
(c) Libraries;
(d) Parks or playgrounds or public recreation areas;
(e) Plan nurseries;
(f) Transportation, pipeline and utility easements, and rights-of-way;
(g) Bulletin boards or signs not exceeding 40 square feet in area appertaining to the lease, hire, or sale of a building or premises, which boards or signs shall be removed as soon as the premises are leased, hired, or sold; and
(h) Accessory buildings which are not a part of the main building (including barns, sheds, and other farm buildings and private garages) and accessory buildings which are a part of the main buildings.
(Prior Code, § 18-26)
(C) Conditional uses permitted on review. The following uses may be permitted on review by the Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions contained in § 154.051(D):
(1) Airport or landing fields;
(2) Cemeteries;
(3) Home beauty shops located in a dwelling provided such shop is conducted within the main dwelling and is operated only by the inhabitants thereof and does not exceed one operator. The use shall be conducted in such a way that it is clearly incidental to the dwelling use and shall not change the character thereof. No sign shall be permitted except one non-illuminated nameplate, not exceeding two square feet in area, attached to the main building;
(4) Kennels;
(5) Private marinas, boat docks, golf courses or driving ranges, or other private outdoor recreation activities;
(6) Public stables or riding academies;
(7) Radio and television stations and transmission towers;
(8) Sewage lagoons;
(9) Mobile home parks; and
(10) Any use not otherwise authorized by this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 18-27)
(D) Area regulations. The area regulations are as follows.
(1) Front yard. All buildings shall be set back from street right-of-way lines to comply with the following front yard requirements.
(a) All buildings shall be set back from a state or federal highway, county highway, or section line road a minimum of 25 feet from the right-of-way line or 75 feet from the center line of the right-of-way easement, whichever is greater.
(b) On all public roads or streets other than federal, state, or county highways and section line roads, all buildings shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the right-of-way line or 55 feet from the center line of the right-of-way easement, whichever is greater.
(c) If 25% or more of the lots on one side of the street between two intersecting streets are improved with buildings (all of which have observed an average setback line of greater than 25 feet and no building varies more than six feet from this average setback line), no building shall be erected closer to the street line than the minimum setback so established by existing buildings; this regulation shall not require a front yard of greater depth than 40 feet.
(d) When a lot has double frontage, the front yard requirements shall be compiled with both streets.
(2) Side yard.
(a) For dwellings located on interior lots, there shall be a side yard on each side of the main building of not less than eight feet for dwellings of one story, except provided in § 154.047(D).
(b) For unattached buildings of accessory use, there shall be a side yard of not less than eight feet; provided however, unattached one-story buildings of accessory use shall not be required to set back more than three feet from an interior side lot line when all parts of the accessory building are located more than 90 feet behind the front lot line.
(c) For dwellings and accessory buildings located on corner lots, there shall be a side yard set back from the intersecting street of not less than 15 feet in case such lot is back to back with another corner lot and 25 feet in every other case. The interior side yard of a corner lot shall be the same as for dwellings and shall be set back from all exterior and interior side lot lines a distance of not less than 25 feet.
(3) Rear yard. There shall be a rear yards for a main building of not less than 20 feet or 20% of the depth of the lot, whichever amount is smaller. Unattached buildings of accessory use may be located in the rear yard of a main building.
(4) Lot width. For dwellings, there shall be a minimum lot width of 50 feet at the front building line and such lot shall abut on a street for a distance of not less than 35 feet.
(5) Intensity of use.
(a) For each dwelling and buildings accessory thereto, there shall be a lot area of not less than one acre.
(6) Coverage. Main and accessory buildings shall not cover more than 25% of the lot area on interior lots and 30% of the lot area on corner lots; accessory buildings shall not cover more than 20% of the rear yard.
(Prior Code, § 18-28)
(E) Height regulations. No building shall exceed two and one-half stories or 35 feet in height except as provided in § 154.047(E).
(Prior Code, § 18-29)