(A) Sewage disposal for mobile home parks.
(1) Waste from showers, bathtubs, flush toilets, urinals, lavatories, slop sinks, and laundries in service and other buildings within the park shall be discharged into a public sewer and disposal plant, septic tank system, or private sewer and lagoon system of such construction and in such manner as approved by the State Health Department and in accordance with all applicable ordinances of the town.
(2) Each mobile home space shall be provided with at least a three-inch sewer connection at least four-inches above the surface of the ground. The sewer connection should be protected by a concrete collar at least four-inches thick and have a minimum outside diameter of 24 inches. The sewer connection shall be fitted with a standard ferrule and close nipple and provided with a screw cap. Connection between the mobile home drain and the sewer must be watertight and self-draining. Mobile homes with fixtures from which back-siphonage may occur shall not be connected to the park’s water system until the defect has been corrected.
(3) In the event that a public water system is or becomes available within 300 feet of a mobile home or recreational vehicle park, connection must be made to the public system within 180 days.
(4) The design of private sewage treatment facilities shall be based on the maximum capacity of the park. Effluents from sewage treatment facilities shall not be discharged into the watershed of the municipal lake or any other waters of the state. The disposal facilities shall be located where they will not create a nuisance or health hazard to the mobile home park or to the owner or occupants of any adjacent property. The State Department of Health must approve the type of treatment proposed and the design of any disposal facilities and sewer systems prior to construction.
(5) Every mobile home occupying a mobile home park space shall tie onto the park sewerage system and shall dump any accumulated wastes into the system. Every recreational vehicle shall dump all accumulated waste into a receptacle provided in the travel trailer park upon entering and upon leaving the park. Such receptacles must be approved by the State Department of Health. Any other dumping of accumulated waste within the town is prohibited.
(6) The monthly sewerage charge shall be based on the maximum mobile home or travel trailer capacity of the park. The park operator shall, by the tenth of each month, notify the Town Clerk of the maximum number of mobile home spaces in use at any one time during the previous month. The Town Clerk shall then adjust the sewerage fee to the actual use of the park. Should the park operator fail to notify the Town Clerk of the prior month’s actual usage of trailer or mobile home spaces, the sewerage fee shall be levied on the maximum capacity of the park.
(7) Sewer connections shall be watertight. Park licensees shall maintain trailer and mobile home connections to sewer and water systems in good condition and be responsible that there is no sewerage or water leakage on park premises.
(8) Sewer connections shall be made to travel trailer spaces.
(Prior Code, § 12-37)
(B) Water supply for mobile home parks.
(1) An accessible, adequate, safe, and potable supply of water shall be provided in each park, capable of furnishing a minimum of 250 gallons per day per mobile home peace. Where a public supply of water of such quality is available within 300 feet or becomes available within 300 feet, connection shall be made thereto, and its supply shall be used exclusively. Where private water supplies must be developed, the Health Officer must approve the location, construction, and development of the water well, pipe system, and connections. No private source other than water well shall be used.
(2) The water system of the mobile home park shall be connected by pipes to all buildings and all mobile home spaces. Each mobile home shall be provided with a cold water tap at least four inches above the ground. An adequate supply of hot water shall be provided at all times in the service buildings for all bathing, washing, cleansing, and laundry facilities.
(3) All water piping shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local law. The water piping system shall not be connected with non-potable or questionable water supplies and shall be protected against the hazards of backflow or back-siphonage. All water connections shall be weather-tight.
(4) Where drinking fountains are provided for public use, they shall be of a type and in locations approved by the Health Officer.
(5) Individual water service connections which are provided for direct use by mobile homes shall be of such construction so that they will not be damaged by the parking of such mobile homes or travel trailers. The park system shall be adequate to provide 20 pounds per square inch of pressure at all mobile home or connections.
(6) Provisions shall be made within 150 feet of each travel trailer space to supply water for travel trailer reservoirs.
(7) No well-casing, pumps, pumping machinery, or suction pipes shall be located in any pit, room, or space extending below ground level nor in any room or space above ground which is walled in or otherwise enclosed unless such rooms, whether above or below ground, have free drainage by gravity to the surface. All floors shall be watertight and sloped from the pump pedestal to the drain, and floors shall extend at least two feet from the well in all directions. The pedestal shall not be less than 12 inches above the floor. This shall not be construed as prohibiting submersible pumps.
(8) All water storage reservoirs shall be watertight and constructed of impervious material; all overflows and vents of such reservoirs shall be effectively screened. Open reservoirs are prohibited. Manholes shall be constructed with overlapping covers so as to prevent the entrance of contaminated material. Overflow pipes from a reservoir shall not connect to any pipe in which sewage or polluted water may back up.
(9) Underground stop and waste cocks shall not be installed on any connection.
(10) No water well shall draw water from any sands reserved to the town for its use, except as may be otherwise permitted by ordinances of the town.
(11) Water connection shall be made to travel trailer spaces.
(Prior Code, § 12-38)
(C) Refuse disposal for mobile home parks.
(1) The storage, collection, and disposal of refuse in the park shall be so managed as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect-breeding areas, accident or fire hazards, or air pollution.
(2) All refuse shall be stored in fly-tight, watertight, and rodent-proof containers which shall be located within 150 feet of any mobile home or recreational vehicle space. Containers shall be provided in sufficient numbers and capacity to properly store all refuse.
(3) Racks or holder shall be provided for all refuse containers. Such container racks or holders shall be so designed as to prevent containers from being tipped to minimize spillage and container deterioration and to facilitate cleaning around them. Lids for containers shall be permanently connected to racks or holders with chains or other flexible materials.
(4) All refuse shall be collected at least once weekly or as otherwise required by the Health Officer. Where municipal garbage collection is not available, the mobile home park operator shall either employ a private agency or provide this service. All refuse shall be collected and transported in covered vehicles or covered containers.
(5) Where municipal or other private disposal service is not available, the mobile home park operator shall dispose of the refuse by burial or transporting to an approved disposal site, as directed by the Health officer. Refuse shall be buried only at locations and by methods approved by the Health officer, and in accordance with the town code.
(6) When municipal refuse disposal service is available, it must be used.
(Prior Code, § 12-39)
(D) Electricity; exterior lighting.
(1) An electrical outlet supplying at least 60 amperes shall be provided for each mobile home space. The installation shall comply with all applicable state and local electrical codes and ordinances. Such electrical outlets and extension lines shall be grounded and weather-proofed. No power supply line shall be permitted to lie on the ground, and no main power line shall be suspended less than 18 feet above the ground unless otherwise approved by the Inspection Officer.
(2) Streets and driveways within mobile home and recreational vehicle parks shall be lighted with street lights meeting the current standards of the Illuminating Engineering Society or one- half candlepower, whichever be higher.
(Prior Code, § 12-41)