(A)   Mobile home subdivisions shall comply with the adopted subdivision regulations and Zoning Ordinance of the town except as otherwise provided herein.
   (B)   The minimum size of a mobile home subdivision shall be ten acres.
   (C)   No residences, except mobile homes, shall be permitted in a mobile home subdivision.
   (D)   Minimum effective lot widths in a mobile home subdivision shall be 40 feet, measured at the front building line, and minimum lot areas shall be 4,000 square feet; provided, at least a five-foot side yard shall be provided on each lot beyond any mobile home and additions thereto, and further provided, in areas not serviced by a public sewer, the minimum additional lot area shall be determined by the Health Officer on the basis of safe and sanitary sewer service. The effective lot width of a mobile home lot shall be determined, for interior lots, by measuring at right angles across the lot from one diagonal side line to the other, and for corner lots, the measurement shall be made at right angles from the diagonal having the greatest divergence from perpendicular to the street, through the midpoint of the rear line of the required front yard, and to the opposite lot line or an extension thereof.
   (E)   Side lines of lots in mobile subdivisions need not be at right angles to straight street lines or radial to curved street lines.
   (F)   Regardless of the effective lot width, mobile home subdivision lots must abut a public street for at least 25 feet.
   (G)   All mobile home subdivisions, except those developed under Residential Estate Zoning District Standards, shall have a green belt planting strip of not less than 20 feet in width along all subdivision boundaries. Such greenbelt shall be composed of:
      (1)   One row of deciduous and/or evergreen trees spaced not more than 40 feet apart;
      (2)   Not less than three rows of shrubs spaced not more than 40 feet apart; and
      (3)   Not less than three rows of shrubs, spaced not more than eight feet apart, which grow to a height of five feet or more after one full growing season and which shrubs will eventually grow to a height of not less than 12 feet.
(Prior Code, § 12-50)