Manufactured homes (aged three years or less from the date of manufacture) or mobile homes are permitted uses, as follows.
   (A)   A-1, Agricultural District. Permitted uses include type I, II, and III manufactured homes. Mobile homes may be permitted with a special exception permit.
   (B)   R-1, Single-Family Residential District. Permitted uses include type I manufactured homes. Types II and III may be permitted with a special exception permit. Mobile homes are prohibited.
   (C)   R-2, Two-Family Residential District. Permitted uses include type I manufactured homes. Types II and III may be permitted with a special exception permit. Mobile homes are prohibited.
   (D)   R-3, Multi-Family Residential District. Permitted uses include type I manufactured homes. Types II and III may be permitted with a special exception permit. Mobile homes are prohibited.
   (E)   R-4, Residential Estate District. Permitted uses include type I manufactured homes. Types II and III may be permitted with a special exception permit.
   (F)   C-1, Convenience Commercial District. Allows no permitted uses. Types I, II, and III and mobile homes may be permitted with a special exception permit.
   (G)   C-2, Highway Commercial and Commercial Recreation District. Allows no permitted uses. Types I, II, and III and mobile homes may be permitted with a special exception permit.
   (H)   C-3, General Commercial District. Allows no permitted uses. Types I, II, and III and mobile homes may be permitted with a special exception permit.
   (I)   I-1, Light Industrial District. Allows no permitted uses, and all uses are prohibited.
   (J)   I-2, Heavy Industrial District. Allows no permitted uses, and all uses are prohibited.
   (K)   MHC, Manufactured Home Community/Park. Permitted uses include types I, II, and III and mobile homes.
   (L)   MHS, Manufactured Home Subdivision. Permitted uses include types I and II. Type III and mobile homes are prohibited.
(Prior Code, § 12-15)