(A)   The rights granted by these provisions may be enforced by civil action in state or local courts of general jurisdiction.
   (B)   A civil action shall be commenced within 180 days after the alleged discriminatory housing practice occurred, provided:
      (1)   The Court shall continue such civil case from time to time before bringing it to trial if the Court believes that the conciliation efforts of the Chief Executive Officer are likely to result in satisfactory settlement of the discriminatory housing practice complained of in the complaint made to the Chief Executive Officer and which practice forms the basis for the action in Court; and
      (2)   Any sale, encumbrance, or rental consummated prior to the issuance of any court order issued under the authority of this chapter and involving a bona fide purchase, encumbrance, or tenant without actual notice of the existence of the filing of a complaint or civil action under the provisions of this chapter shall not be affected.
(Prior Code, § 1-186)