(A)   Designation and marking of one-way streets. Whenever the Town Board designates any street, alley, or part thereof as a one-way street or alley, said Town Board shall have signs placed giving notice thereof. Signs indicating the direction of lawful traffic movement shall be placed at every intersection where movement of traffic in the opposite direction is prohibited.
(Prior Code, § 22-48)
   (B)   Marking of traffic lanes.
      (1)   The Town Board is hereby authorized to have traffic lanes marked upon the roadway of any street where a regular alignment of traffic is necessary.
      (2)   Where traffic lanes have been marked, it shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to fail or refuse to keep such vehicle within the boundaries of any such lanes except when lawfully passing another vehicle, preparing to make a lawful turning movement, or as otherwise authorized by ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 22-49)
   (C)   Designation and marking of crosswalks. By appropriate devices or lines, the Town Board shall have the authority to designate, upon the surface of the roadway, crosswalks at intersections or other places where, in its opinion, there is particular danger to pedestrians crossing the roadway.
(Prior Code, § 22-50) Penalty, see § 10.99