City Council members of this municipality shall take office, and commence their duties on the first regular meeting in December following their election. The newly elected Council members who have qualified as prescribed by law, together with the members of the City Council holding over, shall assemble in a regular meeting at the hour and place hereinafter prescribed and perfect the reorganization of the City Council as herein provided, and all appointive offices in which the terms of incumbents are expired shall be filled by appointment. After the said meeting has been called to order, the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer shall report to the City Council the names of all City Council members-elect who have qualified for their respective offices, and this report shall be spread upon the minutes of the meeting preceding the roll call. Each ward of the municipality shall be represented by at least three Council members. No person shall be eligible who is not at the time of his or her election an actual resident of the ward for which he or she is qualified and should any City Council member move from the ward from which he or she was elected, his or her office shall thereby become vacant.
(1997 Code, § 1-104)
Statutory reference:
   Authority or similar provisions, see Neb. RS 17-104