§ 155.355 OPEN SALES LOTS.
   Open sales lots shall be subject to the following standards:
   (A)   A minimum 20-foot wide yard abutting the public right-of-way shall be landscaped and the landscaping shall be separated from the usable portion of the lot by a curb. The 20-foot landscaped yard shall also be provided where the lot abuts a residential lot.
   (B)   All of the lot other than the portion occupied by a building or landscape treatment shall be surfaced to control dust and drainage.
   (C)   Lot shall be constructed according to a grading plan approved by the City Engineer.
   (D)   When a lot is adjacent to a lot located in a residential district, a fence of acceptable design shall be erected along that particular side.
   (E)   The outdoor lighting system for a sales lot shall be so designed that no direct source of light is visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent land.
   (F)   A site plan for the lot, showing ingress and egress, storage, parking, fencing and other necessary features required to understand the operation, shall be filed for approval by the City Council.
(‘81 Code, § A1-65) (Ord. 291, passed 4-21-83)