§ 155.260 PURPOSE.
   The purposes of this subchapter are:
   (A)   To encourage a more creative and efficient approach to the use of land;
   (B)   To allow a variety in the types of environment available to the people of the city;
   (C)   To encourage more efficient allocation and maintenance of privately controlled open space in residential developments through the distribution of overall density of population and intensity of the land use where an arrangement is desired and feasible;
   (D)   To provide the means for greater creativity and flexibility in environmental design than is provided under the strict application of the zoning and subdivision chapters while at the same time preserving the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants;
   (E)   To encourage an overall design within the natural boundaries for an area; and
   (F)   To provide an overall guide for developments that are staged because of the size of an area.
(‘81 Code, § A1-46) (Ord. 291, passed 4-21-83)