(A)   It shall be unlawful to transport any firearm in a motor vehicle, airplane, snowmobile or boat unless the same is unloaded in both barrels and magazine and completely contained in a gun case expressly made for that purpose which is fully enclosed by being zipped, snapped, buckled, tied or otherwise fastened, with no portion of the firearm exposed, or unless unloaded and contained in the trunk of a car with the trunk door closed, except that pistols and revolvers may be transported when done in accordance with M.S. §§ 624.711 through 624.717.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful to transport the following in a motor vehicle, airplane, snowmobile or boat:
      (1)   A bow and arrow unless unstrung, completely contained in a case or unless contained in the trunk of a car with the trunk door closed; or
      (2)   A muzzle loading firearm unless fully unloaded and completely contained in a gun case expressly made for that purpose which is fully enclosed by being zipped, snapped, buckled, tied or otherwise fastened with no portion of the firearm exposed, or unless unloaded and contained in the trunk of a car with the trunk door closed. A muzzle loading firearm with a flintlock ignition is fully unloaded it if has no priming powder in any pan and a muzzle loading firearm with percussion ignition is fully unloaded if it has no percussion cap on any nipple.
(‘81 Code, § 14-23) (Ord. 245, passed 8-28-80)