(A)   Initial fees. The annual license and the deposit on the investigation fee for a new license shall be paid in full before the application for a license is accepted. Upon rejection of any application for a license or upon withdrawal of an application before approval of the issuance by the Council, the license fee only, less than any unreimbursed investigation fee expense, shall be refunded to the applicant. Where rejection is for a willful misstatement in the license application no fees will be refunded.
   (B)   Renewal fees. The annual license fee for renewal of a license shall be paid in full at the time the renewal application is filed with the Clerk.
   (C)   Transaction record fee. The licensee shall be charged and the licensee shall pay on a monthly basis a record transaction fee charged for each transaction record which is required to be provided to the city in this chapter. The record transaction fee shall be an amount specified in Chapter 35, Appendix herein. The licensee shall pay the charges by the due date shown on the city's billing. Any charges unpaid at the close of business on the due date shall be deemed delinquent and the licensee shall be charged interest on all delinquent charges. Interest charges shall be added to, or become a part of, the delinquent balances. Whenever any charges are more than 30 days delinquent, the city may suspend or revoke the licensee's license until all delinquent charges are paid in full.
   (D)   Reporting failure fee. In the event the licensee is unable to successfully transfer each transaction record through the Automated Pawn System (APS), as provided elsewhere herein, and the licensee provides the printed paper copies of all reportable transactions as required herein, the licensee shall pay a reporting failure fee in an amount as set forth in Chapter 35, Appendix herein. The reporting failure fee shall be imposed for each day that the licensee is unable to report via an automated pawn reporting system designated and approved by the city. Licensee shall also be assessed a photograph failure fee for any photograph or video required under this code to be sent digitally or electronically to the city, but unable to do so. The licensee shall pay a fee for each day the licensee is unable to provide the photos electronically. If the licensee fails to pay any and all reporting failure fees or photograph failure fee within 30 days of the billing date, the city may suspend or revoke the licensee's license.
(‘81 Code, § 15-32) (Ord. 508, § 1, 4-25-91; Am. Ord. 842, passed 8-14-08)