In order to prevent destruction of property and to minimize the risk to human life in the event of a natural disaster, such as floods, tornadoes, fires, spills of hazardous materials, electrical power outages, or gas leaks, by example, the following courses of action are recommended when they can be safely performed.
(A) Listen to the radio or television for advisories.
(B) The evacuation of areas of flooding shall be done by the order of the Village Police Department, Fire Department, the Mayor, or Emergency Management Agency.
(C) Residents are advised to notify the Wayne County Dispatch at (330) 287-5701 or 911 if you need help.
(D) Do not return until the area has been declared safe by the Village Police Department, Fire Department, the Mayor, or Emergency Management Agency.
(E) In the event of house fires, residents are advised to take the following courses of action when they can be safely performed:
(1) Call 911 from outside the house if possible by using cell phone or neighbor’s phone;
(2) Get all occupants out of building if possible;
(3) Check for all occupants once outside in a safe area and give that information to Police Department, Fire Department, or 911;
(4) Do not re-enter the building;
(5) After the fire is extinguished, the building shall be secured so no one can re-enter until the building is deemed safe to re-enter by the Fire Department, Fire Marshal, or the Insurance Company;
(6) If a fire results in a building being deemed a total loss by the property owner(s) insurance company, or the Property Maintenance Officer, then the following measures shall be taken by the owner within 30 days after the insurance company settlement:
(a) The sanitary service tap must be capped to eliminate any possibility of infiltration. Likewise, the water tap will be capped and disconnected at curb box by the water operator of the village;
(b) The building shall be taken down and the property cleaned up, including all dead trees and shrubbery; and
(c) The basement must be filled with fill dirt to prevent the possibility of injuries to anyone entering the property.
(F) In the event of accidents with hazardous materials, residents are advised to take the following courses of action when they can be safely performed:
(1) Call Wayne County Dispatch at (330) 287-5701 or 911;
(2) Evacuate the area until it is safe to return; and
(3) Clean up will be performed by Fire Department or OEPA.
(G) In the event of a power outage or gas leak, residents are advised to take the following courses of action when they can be safely performed:
(1) In the event of a power outage, notify Ohio Power Company-A.E.P. 800-672-2231;
(2) Provide the pole number, street, and address to the power company; and
(3) Stay away from any down wires, equipment, or poles.
(H) In the event a resident suspects a gas leak, then notify Dominion East Ohio- 877-542-2630 or call Wayne County Dispatch at (330) 287-5701 or 911:
(1) Do not use phone to make the call if you are in the area of gas; and
(2) Do not cause any spark of any kind such as turning on or off lights, starting a vehicle, or smoking.
(Ord. 2009-23, passed 9-8-2009)